
Final entry...for now. :)

Apart from having a few more posts to type up from my thoughts scribbled whilst riding the subway, this will be my final journal entry. This has been such a helpful exercise; while we've not had as much time to devote to our projects this term, the journal has made us think about just how we'll be attacking it over the next two terms.

I learned that research does not have to be a tedious pursuit. It feels almost like searching for the puzzle pieces to then put together. Only thing is, there are a number of different ways to put the pieces together, and not just one. Qualitative or quantitative research, primary or secondary...we have different ways to bring our visions to fruition.

Here's to our ongoing research, and fighting the good fight. :)


Podcasting possibilities...

I'm starting to get new advice from a few of the professors on making my proposed project available online or through a podcast. I suppose "just" doing a show wouldn't be terribly innovative, even if it is what I'm truly interested in doing. So now, I'll be looking into learning about podcasting next semester, just to test the waters. Admittedly, I know nothing about it, but I am certainly intrigued. Next term, during Project Development class, I'll spend as much time as possible studying the possibilities.


Getting restless...

I really can't wait to start working on the project. We've been spending so much time in our other classes doing unrelated work that it almost feels as if we'll never have the time to devote to our thesis projects. I've been trying to read through more journals to ensure I didn't miss any literature related to production education. So far, nothing. I'm starting to understand just how important primary research is going to be in putting together my work. Thank goodness I have the people and the resources at my fingertips!


Our Cabbagetown project...

I am having such a great time working with Mark and Afzal on the Collaborative Research Project. It has been a really challenging assignment, but so nice to have the option to do an 8 - 10 minute doc in place of a paper. Nice to mix things up a bit. We've had the chance to put to use some of the learned documentary planning and research methods that we spent time on in short papers and in presentations. We have made contact with three Cabbagetown residents who are filmmakers, and each is wonderful on camera. What we've found challenging is how much we've had to refine our research question as we go, what with new information uncovering itself from day to day. There are so many different angles we could have taken, but with time an issue and the Ethics Review Board guidelines, we've felt a little held back. However, we've all been enjoying ourselves immensely, and it has been a true learning experience. We'll be taking what we've learned forward as we research our individual projects, that's for sure.


Seminar success...!

The seminar I did today was an overwhelming success, and the primary research I did really saved the day. I was able to talk to the class about the surveys I did, the interviews I conducted with members of the administration, and everyone seemed genuinely interested. My professor warned me from the start that primary research was not necessary and would, in fact, be a lot more work than he was expecting us to do. However, with the topic I chose, there really was no way around the primary research. No book or scholarly article would have given me the background necessary to doing the topic justice. Of course, I did find a number of articles and one very helpful book that aided in giving me background on foreign exchange programs in general. But, I learned the importance of doing primary research and how it can strengthen one's paper or presentation. I'm glad I had the chance to get my feet wet, and look forward to the research I'll need to do for my thesis project and paper!


Mondo Elvis...

I've been meaning to write a bit about Mondo Elvis, the little feature we discussed in class. I'm always a little bit squeamish when I view docs or shows that focus on fans and fan behaviour, what with my past dabblings in the music industry (and my first-hand interaction with pretty creepy, often dangerous fans). Doing research for a project like that would be quite problematic, I would think, because the filmmaker would be going into the project with a very specific bias on fans. If it were me, with my negative views on fan behaviour, there is no way that the short could portray fans in a positive light. I haven't yet seen a work that portrays fans as anything other than gushing, overly-dedicated human novelties. Perhaps I'm a little too close to the subject material at hand to be objective about the usefulness of such a film as Mondo Elvis. it makes me question how one can effectively do research on such a subject, especially if it were me with the bias I have.


Research isn't so scary...

I'm really beginning to understand that researching at the Master's level, while challenging, is entirely doable and NOT as intimidating as I thought it might be. Once you learn where to look, how to structure a viable research question and develop a effective working process, it's rather easy. Maybe easy isn't the right word, but definitely something we CAN do. Learning how to ask questions or to seek help from the faculty is a must; often, we're scared of what we don't know, and when speaking to my classmates, it seems most are afraid of having to write at this level. Rather than worrying, it's best to ask for help or direction, and to read as many scholarly articles as possible in order to get a feel for what is expected of Master's students.


Library orientation and essay writing...

Tonight, I will *finally* finish typing out my written journal entries; essays, projects and applying for Ph.D funding has kept me off the computer! One thing I've learned from this journal project is that, even though I consider myself an online fiend, keeping a handwritten journal would have been the smart thing for me to do from the start; I find myself writing down thoughts either on the 45-minute ride home or during idle moments at work. And here I thought blogging would be easier for me. ;)

This morning, we had a VERY helpful library orientation - including a presentation on doing research, using RefWorks, etc - followed by an essay writing workshop. With every Research Methods session, it's being driven home: research isn't child's play! Plus, there are so many resources available to us...we can schedule appointments at the Writing Centre, as I learned today! There is no reason for any of us to feel lost or confused now (though a bunch of us still feel somewhat intimidated, haha).


Researching for a seminar...

I soon have a Seminar to give in my Topics in Cross-Cultural Communications class, and it's got me anxious. Once again, in doing research, I'm finding a real lack of literature on my proposed study. My topic concerns exchange students in our Radio and Television Arts program, and the challenges and difficulties they face while studying with us. Not only do communication problems come into play, there is the issue of technical knowledge - a lot of our equipment takes years on which to become proficient, and these students visit us for a maximum of 3 months - and the clique-ish nature of RTA. Anyhow, literature abounds where foreign exchange programs are concerned, but nothing related to foreign exchange programs in hands-on, practical degrees. Have I truly stumbled upon a void that needs to be filled? The thought of contributing original research to my field is so exciting. I hope I'm looking in all the right places, since I really am finding nothing in the way of secondary sources. Therefore, primary research will be a must in preparing for this seminar, so I'd better apply to the Ethics Review Board!


Time to catch up...

...by typing in the hand-written journal entries I kept when genius struck! I'll reiterate: I'm so glad Marusya suggested that we have a journal on hand, for just that reason! Older entries will be posted according to the date on which they were originally written, assuming Blogger will allow me to do that. (Update - Seems that is indeed possible. Nice.)