
MMP proposal meeting tomorrow...

(My last several entries on research that I wrote down were on paper instead of here on the blog, and I plan to type those out once I grab my notebook from the EFP Lock-Up at work! I'm glad that Marusya suggested carrying around a notebook even if we were planning on blogging, because thoughts can and do strike often and without warning!)

Tomorrow I meet with my adviser - the terrific Dana Lee (who was once a Prof of mine in undergrad and who, along with Dan Greenwood, hired me on as an RTA full-timer at Rye) - to discuss the direction of my project or paper. I've pretty much settled on doing a project, though his advice will be most appreciated. Since he is a studio production guy with his Master's degree in Education, I feel like I couldn't have been assigned a better adviser. :)

As far as research for the project goes, I'm unsure as to how much and what kind I'll have to do. It's not as if I'm hoping to prove or disprove a thesis in doing the show. I want to show how interested I am in undergrad education as a field. Still, I'll need to flesh out story ideas, look into possible topics of discussion on the show, do pre-interviews with potential guests... I'll also need to determine whether or not there's a paper that would accompany the project, and if that would require some primary or secondary research.

More on this tomorrow or Tuesday, once I've discussed the options with Dana!

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